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策劃人的話 Curator‘s Notes





Exceptional artists tell stories with their souls. Entering a state of flow, they seem to forget their own existence and simply follow the lead of the music. It doesn’t matter whether they are using the human voice, instruments, or electronic synthesisers in their tunes; these are just a matter of different choices in tool selection. Often, with a few simple notes, they can create a unique and recognisable sound. The three overseas musicians in “440 S1 Concert” are exactly such artists.


This time, a group of outstanding young jazz musicians from Hong Kong will engage in a soulful dialogue with Becca, Justin, and Lex through music. The stage will showcase the process of collaborative co-creation, in which a variety of sounds naturally blend to build a deep connection. Everything will unfold spontaneously as we venture into the unknown on this musical journey with the audience.


                                                                                                                                                      Teriver Cheung  

注意事項 Notes to Guests







The performance is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.

Children under 6 will not be admitted.

Please do not eat or drink in the auditorium. 

Please turn your mobile phones to silent mode. 

Please do not use flash light when taking photos.

參演音樂人 Participating Musicians


Becca Stevens 

Vocal, Guitar & Ukulele

曾獲格林美獎提名的唱作人 Becca Stevens 深受流行音樂、爵士樂、獨立搖滾和阿巴拉契亞民謠音樂啟發,集百家之大成,突破樂曲的傳統界限。其最新發行的專輯《WONDERBLOOM》被《JAZZ MAGAZINE》形容為「精緻而感性的流行音樂」,她亦憑此專輯獲三項格林美獎提名。除個人專輯外,她亦曾與 Jacob Collier、Snarky Puppy、Esperanza Spalding 和 Attacca Quartet 等多位音樂人合作。

GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter Becca Stevens has established an outstanding career blending an effortless vocal talent with exquisite compositions that draw inspiration from pop, jazz, indie-rock, and Appalachian folk music. Her most recent album, WONDERBLOOM, received three GRAMMY nominations and was described as “sophisticated and sensual pop” by Jazz Magazine. Along with her solo output, Becca is a highly respected collaborator who has worked with the likes of Jacob Collier, Snarky Puppy, Esperanza Spalding, and the Attacca Quartet, among many others.

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Justin Stanton

Keyboard & Trumpet

四次格林美得主 Justin Stanton 是一名小號手、鍵琴手、作曲家及製作人,多才多藝,於北德薩斯州大學進修時期已為 One O’Clock Lab Band 演奏、錄製專輯及巡迴演出。其後加入知名爵士樂團 Snarky Puppy,並與多個國際知名音樂人合作,包括 Kirk Franklin、Derek Trucks、Robert Glasper、Terence Blanchard 等等。


Four-time GRAMMY Winner Justin Stanton is a trumpet player, keyboardist, composer, and producer. While studying at the University of North Texas, he performed in the One O’Clock Lab Band, recording albums and performing at major festivals. Stanton later joined the renowned jazz band Snarky Puppy. Stanton has collaborated with renowned artists such as Kirk Franklin, Derek Trucks, Robert Glasper, and Terence Blanchard.

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Lex Sadler

Synthesiser and Bass

低音結他手、音樂編程師及製作人 Lex Sadler 活躍於紐約,曾參與多張專題製作及巡迴演出,現時為 Antonio Sanchez 的低音與合成貝斯手,及 Joey Badass 的巡迴低音結他手。其專輯《Polytronic》融入電子音樂與現場演奏,挑戰傳統。 

Lex Sadler is a bass player, synth bass player, Ableton programmer, and musical director active in New York. He has produced multiple albums and toured extensively, including serving as the programmer and bassist for Antonio Sanchez and as the touring bassist for Joey Badass. Sadler’s trailblazing album, Polytronic, is a blend of electronica and live instrumentation.

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張駿豪 Teriver Cheung

Curator & Guitar



2020 年,張氏獲民政事務局局長嘉許計劃嘉許,以表揚他多年在推廣藝術文化方面的貢獻。同年度,他參與的獨立樂隊 R.O.O.T 奪得叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮-叱吒樂壇生力軍銀獎。張氏與本地音樂人蘇道哲共同創作的專輯《日出》亦獲提名第三十四屆金曲獎「演奏類最佳專輯獎」。


Teriver Cheung graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Jazz Studies Performance and subsequently developed his music career in New York. He stands out among Hong Kong music creatives with his established international presence. Since returning to Hong Kong, Cheung's unique and diverse musical background has made him one of the most active composers, performers, and organisers in recent years.


In 2020, Cheung was commended by the Secretary for Home Affairs in recognition of his long-standing contributions to promoting arts and culture. In the same year, the independent band he is part of, R.O.O.T, won the "New Force of the Year — Silver Award" at the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation. Cheung's album Sunrise, co-created with local musician Sotoc, was nominated for the "Best Instrumental Album" at the 34th Golden Melody Awards in 2023.

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雷麗麗 Louie Lai Lai

Ensemble Tranience String Quartet (Violin)

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許智健 Hui Chi Kin

Ensemble Tranience String Quartet (Violin)

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何珈樺 Cass Ho

Ensemble Tranience String Quartet (Viola)

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張貝芝 Joyce Cheung*

鍵琴 Keyboard

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李梓禾 Bowen Li

鍵琴 Keyboard

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李幗珊 Rebecca Li

Ensemble Tranience String Quartet (Cello)

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朱肇階 Daniel Chu**

鍵琴 Keyboard

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張珈朗 Brian Cheung

中音色士風 Alto Saxophone

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雲天慈 Timothy Wan

次中音色士風 Tenor Saxophone

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葉展澄 Addison Yip

小號 Trumpet

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Floro Sernande Jr.

敲擊樂及長笛 Percussions & Flute

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陳衍光 Samuel Chan

鼓 Drums

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李駿銚 Dean Li*

鼓 Drums

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宋正方 Rachel Sung

Jazz S.H.E. (和音 Backing Vocals)

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黎梓希 Vera Lai

Jazz S.H.E. (和音 Backing Vocals)

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陳恩彤 Cyan Chan

Jazz S.H.E. (和音 Backing Vocals)

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*  只參演8月16日場次 Only participating on 16 August  
** 只參演8月17日場次 Only participating on 17 August

演出歌曲 Song List

16 Aug 


Justin Stanton Brazilian Project

Bee Dub



Cidade Nova 



Becca Stevens feat. Ensemble Transience Strings Quartet 

No More 

Canyon Dust 


Now Feels Bigger than the Past 


2 + 2 = 5


Lex Sadler Band feat. Justin Stanton 

The Lost & Wicked

Steps In Reverse 

Twenty Three Seven

Shibuya Crossing

17 Aug


Becca Stevens & Daniel Chu 

Rainbow Connection

Both Sides Now


Becca Stevens feat. Ensemble Transience Strings Quartet 

No More 

Canyon Dust 



2 + 2 = 5


Justin Stanton Electric Band feat. Lex Sadler



Survival Imperative  

Broken Arrow

Becca Stevens & Band

Life is Fine


製作人員 Production Team

監製 Producer: 郭清夷 Samantha Kwok

社區拓展及教育經理 Community Outreach & Education Manager: 吳少慧 Sheeta Ng

助理監製 Assistant Producer: 羅俊銘 Henry Law^

技術統籌 Technical Coordinator: 談皓林 Callum Tam^

舞台監督 Stage Manager: 盧潔怡 Lo Kit Yi

燈光設計 Lighting Designer: 余曉澄 Sarah Yu

音響製作 Audio Production: Miso Tech Co Ltd

燈光器材設備供應 Lighting Equipment: 3200K Productions

市場推廣 Marketing: 敘意工作室 Narratives Studio

平面設計 Graphic Design: Studio Nous


^ 藝術人才見習配對計劃 2023/24 由香港藝術發展局資助 

2023/24 The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council

活動合作伙伴 Event Partner

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