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440第二季 |440 S2 

「440」代表 440 Hz,是現代音樂中樂器的標準音。「瞬.樂團:爵士無界限——推廣與培育」從「調音」的概念出發,讓來自不同國家、擅長不同領域的音樂人在「440」平台上碰撞、交流、進步,為本地音樂圈帶來新衝擊。


「440 音樂訓練課程」一共兩季,每季為期約六個月。課程邀請到多位海內外知名音樂人舉辦工作坊和密集特訓營,向有志發展音樂事業的朋友傾囊相授,當中包括多位屢獲格林美獎和金曲獎殊榮及提名的樂手和製作人。「440」系列並會以兩場大型「440 音樂會」為每個季度總結,邀請參與音樂訓練課程的海外音樂人、瞬・樂團樂手及其他本地音樂人同台演出,共冶一爐,碰撞出新火花!


「440」系列亦會向學員徵集原創作品,由評審挑選一首優秀作品進行錄音,並由金牌混音師Richard Furch 親自混音後發佈到網上平台,讓更多人欣賞。

“440” refers to the audio frequency of 440 Hz, which is used as a reference frequency to tune musical instruments. With the idea of “tuning” in mind, “Ensemble Transience: Jazz Across Boundaries—— Outreach & Incubation” provides a platform for international music talents with diverse backgrounds to interact and exchange, bringing new inspirations to the local music scene. 


There will be 2 seasons of "440 Boot Camp", each lasting approximately six months. Internationally and locally renowned music creatives will generously share their knowledge and experience with aspiring music professionals through a series of workshops. The star-studded lineup includes Grammy and Golden Melody award winners and nominees. Each season will conclude with a major "440 Concert" featuring selected Boot Camp instructors, Ensemble Transience and local musicians. 


The programme will also invite participants to submit original compositions, from which one outstanding piece will be chosen for recording. The multi-Grammy Award-winning mixing engineer Richard Furch will personally mix the selected piece for online release.

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