策劃人的話 Curator‘s Notes
Exceptional artists tell stories with their souls. Entering a state of flow, they seem to forget their own existence and simply follow the lead of the music. It doesn’t matter whether they are using the human voice, instruments, or electronic synthesisers in their tunes; these are just a matter of different choices in tool selection. Often, with a few simple notes, they can create a unique and recognisable sound. The three overseas musicians in “440 S1 Concert” are exactly such artists.
This time, a group of outstanding young jazz musicians from Hong Kong will engage in a soulful dialogue with Becca, Justin, and Lex through music. The stage will showcase the process of collaborative co-creation, in which a variety of sounds naturally blend to build a deep connection. Everything will unfold spontaneously as we venture into the unknown on this musical journey with the audience.
Teriver Cheung
注意事項 Notes to Guests
The performance is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.
Children under 6 will not be admitted.
Please do not eat or drink in the auditorium.
Please turn your mobile phones to silent mode.
Please do not use flash light when taking photos.
參演音樂人 Participating Musicians
JFDR,本名Jófríður Ákadóttir,是來自冰島雷克雅未克的唱作歌手。
她十四歲便踏上音樂生涯,過去十二年發行了12張專輯。她曾是 Pascal Pinon 和 Samaris 的成員,期間與知名藝術家 Ólafur Arnalds 和 Damien Rice 合作,為獲獎的冰島電影《Backyard Village》創作原聲音樂,在全球收穫大量粉絲,包括冰島傳奇音樂人 Björk — 她曾表示 Ákadóttir 是靈感來源之一。
繼 2017 年以 JFDR 名義發行的首張專輯《Brazil》後,Ákadóttir 在 2020 年推出了專輯《New Dreams》。2024 年 3 月,她的專輯《Museum》在冰島音樂獎(Iceland Music Awards)中榮獲年度冰島專輯獎。在「 440 第二季音樂會」中,JFDR 將由澳洲音樂人 Josh Wilkinson 擔任伴奏。
JFDR is Jófríõur Ákadóttir. As a 14 year old in Reykjavik, Ákadóttir began her musical career exploring the vast universe of experimental music while retaining a massive heart at her core.
Over the past 12 years, Akadóttir has released 12 records and, as a member of Pascal Pinon & Samaris, collaborated with renowned artists Ólafur Arnalds & Damien Rice, scored the award-winning Icelandic film
"Backyard Village" and garnered fans across the world - including Björk who cites Ákadóttir as an inspiration.
Following 2017's Brazil (her first record as JFDR), Ákadóttir returned with 2020's New Dreams "very haunting electro-pop music that's very subtle very inward looking" ( NPR Music) and "the kind of album that might give you space to reach your own small revelations" ( Stereogum).
Her new album Museum is out now. In March 2024, it won Icelandic album of the year at the Iceland Music Awards. In "440 S2 Concert", Australian musician Josh Wilkinson will serve as the accompanist for JFDR
希臘唱作人、製作人Magda 現活躍於西班牙,並經常到世界各地進行 Banda Magda 巡演、藝術家駐留計畫以及其他項目。她曾擔任 Zouzounia TV 的首席製作人與編曲人,並為廣播節目《Live from Mount Olympus》創作音樂。她亦曾與多位著名音樂人和樂隊合作,包括Gilberto Gil、 Jacob Collier 及 Snarky Puppy 等。她最新的管弦樂作品《Khonsu》由 Nu Deco 委託創作,並於邁阿密New World Symphony 首演。
Greek singer-songwriter & producer Magda is currently based in Spain and frequently travels around the world for Banda Magda tours, artist residencies, and other projects. She has served as the lead producer and arranger for Zouzounia TV and composed music for the radio program Live from Mount Olympus. Magda has also collaborated with renowned musicians and bands, including Gilberto Gil, Jacob Collier, and Snarky Puppy. Her latest orchestral work, Khonsu, was commissioned by Nu Deco and premiered by the New World Symphony in Miami.
小川慶太 Keita Ogawa
Drums and Percussions
兩次格林美得主小川慶太是敲擊樂手及鼓手,畢業於伯克利音樂學院,師從 Manuel “Egui” Castrillo、Jamey Haddad、Tito De Gracia等大師,其後短暫搬往巴西,向Jorginho do Pandeiro、Celsinho Silva、Kiko Freitas等大師學習巴西敲擊樂。他曾與多位著名音樂家合作,包括馬友友、Romero Lubambo、Clarice Assad等,並參與多個音樂項目, 例如Snarky Puppy、Bokanté、Banda Magda等。
Two-time Grammy Award winner Keita Ogawa is a percussionist and drummer who graduated from Berklee College of Music, where he studied under masters such as Manuel “Egui” Castrillo, Jamey Haddad, and Tito De Gracia. He later spent a brief period in Brazil, learning Brazilian percussion from renowned musicians like Jorginho do Pandeiro, Celsinho Silva, and Kiko Freitas. Keita has collaborated with many acclaimed artists, including Yo-Yo Ma, Romero Lubambo, and Clarice Assad, and has participated in numerous musical projects such as Snarky Puppy, Bokanté, and Banda Magda.
Keita Ogawa is fluent in playing any percussion instrument and musical style, showcasing his unparalleled musicianship. What makes him truly remarkable is his ability to approach music with a smile and an open heart, exhibiting his passion for transcending musical boundaries and blending cultural differences.
張駿豪 Teriver Cheung
Curator & Guitar
2020 年,張氏獲民政事務局局長嘉許計劃嘉許,以表揚他多年在推廣藝術文化方面的貢獻。同年度,他參與的獨立樂隊 R.O.O.T 奪得叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮-叱吒樂壇生力軍銀獎。張氏與本地音樂人蘇道哲共同創作的專輯《日出》亦獲提名第三十四屆金曲獎「演奏類最佳專輯獎」。
Teriver Cheung graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Jazz Studies Performance and subsequently developed his music career in New York. He stands out among Hong Kong music creatives with his established international presence. Since returning to Hong Kong, Cheung's unique and diverse musical background has made him one of the most active composers, performers, and organisers in recent years.
In 2020, Cheung was commended by the Secretary for Home Affairs in recognition of his long-standing contributions to promoting arts and culture. In the same year, the independent band he is part of, R.O.O.T, won the "New Force of the Year — Silver Award" at the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation. Cheung's album Sunrise, co-created with local musician Sotoc, was nominated for the "Best Instrumental Album" at the 34th Golden Melody Awards in 2023.
Joshua Wilkinson
Modular Synthesizers
Joshua Wilkinson是一位享譽國際的聲音設計師,同時也是樂器公司 Cycleinstruments 的聯合創辦人,現於冰島雷克雅未克工作與生活。
2017 年,在冰島雷克雅未克的Greenhouse Studio完成實習後,Joshua開始在世界各地的錄音室與藝術家共同製作專輯,其中包括 Ben Frost、Valgeir Sigurðsson、Shahzad Ismaily、JFDR、John Grant 和 Damien Rice 等知名音樂人。
最值得關注的是Joshua 與 JFDR 的緊密合作。自專輯《Brazil》以來,他以混音師、錄音師或聯合監製的身份,參與了所有 JFDR 作品的製作。在是次音樂會中,亦為JFDR擔任伴奏。
Joshua Wilkinson is an internationally awarded sound designer and co-founder of musical instrument company Cycleinstruments, who is currently working and living in Reykjavik, Iceland.
After completing an internship at Greenhouse Studio in Reykjavik in 2017 Josh has gone on to produce records in studios across the world with artists such as Ben Frost, Valgeir Sigurðsson, Shahzad Ismaily, JFDR, John Grant and Damien Rice.
Most notable is Josh’ continued collaboration with JFDR, having worked on all JFDR’s releases since Brazil as either mixer, co- producer or engineer. In this concert, he is the accompanist of JFDR
Beyond the confines of the studio, Joshua’s own artistic output brings together his experience with audio production, interactive design, and spectacle theatre to create extraordinary and transformative audience experiences.
黎逸晞 Sean Lai
小提琴 Violin
演出歌曲 Song List
7 Feb
Keita Ogawa
Moro Morocco
Jando M1
White Sun
Life Man
Air Unfolding
Taking a Part of Me
The Orchid
Keita Ogawa
Maiden Voyage
Tudo Isso
Thalassaki Mou
January 1st
Shortest Day of the Year
Deixa Cair
8 Feb
Keita Ogawa
Moro Morocco
Jando M1
White Sun
Life Man
Air Unfolding
Josh's solo
Taking a Part of Me
The Orchid
Keita Ogawa
Maiden Voyage
African Mask
Tudo Isso
Thalassaki Mou
January 1st
Shortest Day of the Year
Deixa Cair
製作人員 Production Team
監製 Producer: 郭清夷 Samantha Kwok
社區拓展及教育經理 Community Outreach & Education Manager: 吳少慧 Sheeta Ng
助理監製 Assistant Producer: 羅俊銘 Henry Law^
技術統籌 Technical Coordinator: 談皓林 Callum Tam^
舞台監督 Stage Manager: 梁達明 Leung Tat Ming
燈光設計 Lighting Designer: 余曉澄 Sarah Yu
音響製作 Audio Production: Miso Tech Co Ltd
燈光器材設備供應 Lighting Equipment: 3200K Productions
市場推廣 Marketing: 敘意工作室 Narratives Studio
平面設計 Graphic Design: Studio Nous
^ 藝術人才見習配對計劃 2023/24 由香港藝術發展局資助
2023/24 The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
主辦 Presented By