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Jazz Appreciation Workshop


Our project organizes four sessions of Jazz Appreciation Workshop, aiming to provide diverse points of entry for the public to learn more about jazz music, and break down the stereotype of jazz being confined in concert halls or bars.

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With/Out Sound: Music & Movies

講者         Speakers

關家傑     Alan Kwan

梁柏豪     Pako Leung


說起爵士音樂與電影,大家可能馬上想起幾年前大熱的《La La Land》或是最近的《Soul》。但除此之外,音樂電影還有很多不同的呈現。回溯一個世紀前,音樂和流動影像如何結緣?香港本地創作人又如何演繹電影與音樂?


爵士音樂人關家傑與電影導演梁柏豪對話,由默片談起,追溯世界上第一部有聲電影《The Jazz Singer》。二人將暢談經典音樂電影,以至動漫與動畫,探討聲音與影像的關係。他們亦會介紹最新合作項目,一部具特攝元素(Tokusatsu)電影的作品。

Speaking of jazz music and movies, what first came to our mind might be La La Land, a hit a few years before, or the latest animation Soul. Apart from these two examples, there are still many more musical movies worth exploring. A century ago, how did music come about as an element in motion pictures? In Hong Kong cinema, what are the ways local creative talents work with film and music?

Jazz musician Alan Kwan and filmmaker Pako Leung will carry out a conversation, tracing the evolution of filmmaking from the silent era, to the first ever sound film The Jazz Singer. They will look into classic musical movies, cartoons and anime, to explore the relationship between sound and moving images. This event also gives a sneak peek into the latest collaboration of Ho and Kwan, a film with Tokusatsu (“special filming” in Japanese) elements.



Family Workshop

工作坊導師   Workshop Tutors 

張貝芝           Joyce Cheung

劉灝顯           Kelvin Lau


This summer holiday, “Ensemble Transience: Composition & Improvisation—Encore” presents a workshop for families, inviting young children and their parents to experience the joy of music. The programme consists of two parts, the first workshop “Toy Reborn” guides participants to turn recycled toys into music instruments. This workshop does not only foster children’s creativity, but also allows them to learn about the importance of waste reduction and sustainability. In the second workshop, through a series of lively and fun activities, local musicians Joyce Cheung and Kelvin Lau encourage parents and children to understand more about jazz music. Participants will also have the chance to make music with the DIY instruments they make at “Toy Reborn”.

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包以正與Sam Jor對談
A Conversation between Eugene Pao and Sam Jor 

講者        Speakers

包以正    Eugene Pao

左永然    Sam Jor



是次工作坊邀請到兩位黑膠唱片收藏家:知名音樂人包以正(Eugene)及《音樂一週》創辦人左永然(Sam Jor),從音樂載體的角度,分享他們探索和愛上音樂的旅程。他們將暢談關於上世紀70年代唱片店的回憶,以及音樂由類比到數碼的發展。兩位講者亦會討論現今香港的實體唱片店、我們作為消費者可支持本地音樂文化的角色,和培養自己音樂品味的途徑。

Put on the earphones and let the music streaming app play whatever it thinks you would like– this is the listening experience we too often take for granted nowadays. However, have you ever imagined back in the days before the internet, how music lovers got their hands on music? 


This workshop offers an unique angle to appreciate music through its carrier. We invite renowned musician Eugene Pao and founder of Music Week Sam Jor–both known for their passion in collecting vinyl, to share with us their personal journey in discovering and falling in love with music. They are going to speak about memories of visits to record stores back in the 70s, and how they have witnessed the development of music from analog to digital. Eugene and Sam are also going to discuss where to find vinyl records these days in Hong Kong, the role we can play in supporting local music culture, and most importantly, how to curate one’s own music palette.

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Murakami Haruki & Jazz

音樂人                      Musicians

張珈朗 (色士風         Brian Cheung(Saxophone)

馮晟睎 (低音結他)    Nelson Fung  (Bass)

策劃及主持               Curator & Moderator 

郭清夷                       Samantha Kwok



Japanese writer Murakami Haruki is well known for his passion for music. He once ran a jazz bar with his wife for seven years, and in his works, homepages to music are frequently found. “Jazz Appreciation Workshop #4” integrates the experience of a book club and live music, through which, participants will get to learn more about Murakami and jazz music. 


Speaker of this workshop, local writer Samwai Lam will start with Murakami’s latest collection of stories, First Person Singular, and make connections to a number of his older works. The workshop discusses how the subject matters of the selected stories reflect Murakami’s love for music. It also explores the  common points of the writer’s writing style and jazz music, including the characteristics of being “easy to read, hard to understand'', and the question of whether his works are more suitable for “listening” than “reading”. To enrich participants’ experience, local musicians Brian Cheung and Nelson Fung will respond  with music improvisation. We invite participants to bring along a copy of First Person Singular to join the discussion, and share with the speaker and musicians your understanding and thoughts on Murakami's works. 



A Jazz Walking Tour–
Around the Central and Western District 

講者                                                   Speakers

張駿豪                                               Teriver Cheung  

張景謙          (JazzWorld創辦人)      Clarence Chang   (Founder of  of Jazz World)

杜煥              (Sense99創辦人)         To Wun                  (Founder of Sense99) 

Benky Chan (Visage One店主)        Benky Chan          (Visage One Owner)

Ricky Hun     (Kind of Brew 店主)     Ricky Hun             (Kind of Brew Owner)

策劃及主持                                        Curator & Moderator

黃凱鍵                                                Jesper Wong






The Central and Western district is full of bars and pubs, playing a wide range of music to attract different crowds. Some of these venues have been known for their regular jazz gigs, and  have an important role in the development of jazz in Hong Kong.


Over the past two years, a number of such venues could no longer be in business due to various reasons. While some places well-known to jazz lovers had to sadly close their doors, other than bars and conventional venues, there are still music spaces that take different forms operating, and new ones opening. 


“A Jazz Walking Tour: Wander Around the Central and Western District” will guide participants to walk through the area, revisiting fond memories of the old places and at the same time exploring new and unique jazz venues.

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